International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS

(African Women Development Fund)

Building The Leadership Capacity of Women Living With HIV to Participate in Decision Making

In August 2019, ICWK partnered with AWDF to address some of these gaps. The project aimed at building the capacity of WLHIV and equips them with necessary skills to advocate, represent and dialogue on behalf of other WLHIV’s in various County and Community levels platforms. Doing this would ensure that WLHIV are part of decision making processes at county and community levels. 

Purpose of Grant as stated in the grant agreement; To build the leadership capacity of women living with HIV and AIDS to contribute to the HIV response by participating effectively in decision making around the HIV response at all levels – community, county and national levels.

Enhancing Socio-Economic Status of Women Through Self-Help Groups
Members of a self-help group tending to their kitchen gardens IGA. PHOTO: ICWK/Doreen Koech
Kingdom Bank representative, Abraham. PHOTO: ICW-K/ Doreen Koech

ICW-Kenya with support from AWDF conducted a 5-day training for TOTs from Kiambu and Nairobi Counties informal settlements on financial management and we have seen the trainees in action actively helping and training other women in their various communities on proper ways to start, manage and grow their self-help groups….

Kingdom Bank awarded members of the P-Champions community self-help group with Ksh. 20,000 to finance their Income Generating Activities (IGA) which was formed as a result of a ICW-Kenya & African Women Development fund (AWDF) partnership to train TOTs on financial management and Income Generation Activities (IGAs)…

Legal Aid Clinics in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties

ICW-Kenya was supported by AWDF to hold legal aid clinics in the informal settlements of Nairobi and Kiambu Counties. We engaged advocates of the high court who is well vast on human rights and HIV/ AIDS. to sensitize and empower women living with HIV on their economic and land rights. Through these clinics, we will have identified human rights abuses and violations among women and link them with lawyers for pro-bono legal services. 

The women were taken through the inheritance process. The legal services will target women living with HIV who have disinherited because of their HIV status. We were able to reach a total of 63 women with legal issues

To start off, the project ICWK trained 12 women from the counties of Homabay, Kakamega, Nairobi, and Kiambuin Kenya. They were capacity built in the journey of leadership and advocacy so as to become community champions and reach out to more women in their communities.

Activities undertaken during this project

  • Mobilization of women in all our diversities.
  • Training of 12 women champions on Leadership, health rights and legislation.
  • Community meetings by the trained champions to transfer information to women living with HIV in their counties/communities.
  • Attendance of crucial meetings and dialogues.
  • Close out meeting for the Champions to share the experiences from their communities.
Community meeting in Kibera slums- Nairobi
Peer champions display one of the IEC materials developed under the project, during the recently held close out meeting