International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS

Our Programs

Migori County Distribution

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International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW-Kenya) partnered with Lake Victoria Initiatives (LAVIN) in Migori to reach vulnerable members of their community with food baskets and dignity packs. LAVIN is a local NGO in Migori county whose main focus areas include health, governance and the environment,

During the period of implementation of the Improving food security project, mobilization of beneficiaries was done with the assistance of the area CACS and CHVs. They also held sensitization sessions in the specific food distribution centers which included chiefs offices, sub-county offices or sometimes they would converge in someone’s home. The sessions held were on positive health, dignity and prevention with focus on adherence to treatment. 

We were able to reach 500 beneficiaries with food baskets and 2368 beneficiaries with food baskets and dignity packs.

Peter Gwengi, Executive Director of Lake Victoria Initiative (LAVIN) during a food distribution to families in Mabera, Kuria West sub-County.
When we arrived in their home in West Kanyankago ward, Uriri Sub County, Joseph* not his real name, could not hide his joy. The couple are concordant positive and so is their 2 years old baby who is also on care. He tells us ‘since receiving my first food basket, I have been having a peace of mind because we are able to have a decent meal. Due to my poor health condition, I stopped my Boda Boda business and feeding my family have been a challenge. Thank you so much for having identified me for this support”. His wife, Jane* not her real name, concurs ‘in fact he has added some little weight as you can see. Kindly continue supporting us. I’ll also make sure he takes his medication as prescribed. Our children are also happy’ Joseph had defaulted in treatment and through our previous home visits, we managed to return him to care. He is part of the people who are receiving food basket for the second time. We will continue to monitor this family to ensure that they don’t default on treatment again; particularly the baby.
Success Story
By Peter Gwengi (Lake Victoria Initiative, LAVIN)


Courtesy of The Star Newspaper