International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS

Our Programs

Kisumu County Distribution

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Kisumu Sex-Workers Alliance (KISWA) partnered with the International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW-Kenya Chapter) as an on-ground partner for the Covid Response food basket and dignity packs distribution in Kisumu County. KISWA is an organization for sex workers, by sex workers, working in the Nyanza region to advocate and address issues of sex workers. 

Mobilization of the beneficiaries was done through support groups for widows, persons living with disabilities, adolescent girls and single mothers. Over 2000 beneficiaries benefited from both the food baskets and dignity packs. During the distribution, health talks were held on; HIV-positive living, good adherence & nutrition, Covid-19 and Covid-19 vaccination.

Benta has been a client for the past 12 years. She started care on 1st line regiment, later switched to second line after developing treatment failure. However, she developed resistance due to infection from a man who inherited her after the death of her husband. She said that this man would not agree to use protection and even to take drugs. This led to Benta acquiring opportunistic infection,(Cryptococcal Meningitis) which later left her partially paralised. Currently. Benta cannot do her normal domestic activities without assistance from well-wishers. Benta has two kids aged 9yrs and 12yrs. During a home visit to deliver her food basket, she was found to have gone without food the previous night. one could not miss to see her breath a sigh of relief and joy as she received these food items. Benta received 2 packets of maize flour,2Kg of beans, 2kgs of rice, 1 liter of cooking oil, 2 packets of porridge mix, 1kg of sugar and 1 bottle of sanitizer.
Success Story
By Ruth Olak (Holy Family Oriang' Dispensary)