International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS

AIDS &Rights Alliance of South Africa

Enhanced Community Participation in Improving Access to SRHR and Services During Covid-19 in Kiambu Count

ICWK received funding from ARASA to implement a project on enhanced Community participation in improving access to SRHR and Services during Covid-19, in Kiambu county. The project aimed to build the capacity of the current community structures that include peer champions and paralegals on sexual reproductive health and Covid-19, stigma and discrimination, human rights.  With the enhanced capacity, the peers will target girls and women in informal settlements with information, identify, report and document any sexual reproductive health rights violations

Thika Sub-County Health Management Committee at Thika Level 5 Hospital to review the previously held training on SRHR and Covid-19
Group photo after SRHR and Covid-19 sensitization session at Thika Pastoral Center, Kiambu County

ICW-Kenya- ARASA Report Dec 2021

Objectives of the training included;

  1. To Enhance the capacity of Peer Champions and Paralegals on SRHR and Covid-19
  2. To Empower community members on SRHR and Covid-19 and access to health care services, Stigma and Discrimination and Human Rights.
  3. To document experiences of women, girls in our diversities in accessing healthcare services, including SRH services in the selected informal settlements in Thika Sub- County
  4. To develop the capacity and skills of participants and staff to conceptualize and analyze interactions between the epidemic and the environment to enable them plan and develop strategies to mitigate the impact